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composite state meaning in Hindi

composite state sentence in Hindi

सम्मिश्र राज्य
composite    मिलावट मिश्रण मैल
state    सरकार अवस्था
1.Teleportation of a composite state of two single photons has also been realized.

2.Shillong was the capital of the composite State of Assam.

3.It is conceptually convenient to define one composite state as the ultimate root of state machine hierarchy.

4.He became the Government Pleader of the Composite state of Madras in 1950 and State Counsel in 1951.

5.Assam State Electricity Board was established in 1958 in the composite state of Assam under the Electricity Act 1948.

6.A more developmental approach with an emphasis on composite state-building processes, would have implications for donor programmes, diplomacy and peace-keeping.

7.As always, you can check for disciplinary orders against doctors through the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners, at 404-656-3913.

8.However, composite states don't simply hide complexity; they also actively reduce it through the powerful mechanism of hierarchical event processing.

9.States that contain other states are called " composite states "; conversely, states without internal structure are called " simple states ".

10.Although not officially a the Allies, a composite State of Origin team representing players from anywhere except for South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

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How to say composite state in Hindi and what is the meaning of composite state in Hindi? composite state Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.